Proud People... |
Broken People... |
Focus on the failures of others. |
Are overwhelmed with a sense of their own spiritual need. |
Have a critical, fault-finding spirit; look at everyone else's faults with a microscope, but at their own with a telescope. |
Are compassionate, can forgive much because they know how much they have been forgiven. |
Are self-righteous; look down on others. |
Esteem all others better than themselves. |
Have an independent, self-sufficient spirit. |
Have a dependent spirit; recognize their need for others. |
Have to prove that they are right. |
Are willing to yield the right to be right. |
Claim rights; have a demanding spirit. |
Yield their rights; have a meek spirit. |
Are self-protective of their time, their rights, and their reputation. |
Are self-denying. |
Desire to be served. |
Are motivated to serve others. |
Desire to be a success. |
Are motivated to be faithful and to make others a success. |
Desire self-advancement. |
Desire to promote others. |
Have a drive to be recognized and appreciated. |
Have a sense of their own unworthiness; are thrilled that God would use them at all. |
Are wounded when others are promoted and they are overlooked. |
Are eager for others to get the credit and rejoice when others are lifted up. |
Have a subconscious feeling that "This ministry is privileged to have me and my gifts;" think of what they can do for God. |
Have a heart attitude that says, "I don't deserve to have part in any ministry;" know that they have nothing to offer God except the life of Jesus flowing through their broken lives. |
Feel confident in how much they know. |
Are humbled by how very much they have to learn. |
Are self-conscious. |
Are not concerned with self at all. |
Keep others at arms length. |
Are willing to risk getting close to others and to take risks of loving intimately. |
Are quick to blame others. |
Accept personal responsibility and can see where they are wrong in a situation. |
Are unapproachable or defensive when criticized. |
Receive criticism with a humble, open spirit. |
Are concerned with being respectable, with what others think; work to protect their own image and reputation. |
Are concerned with being real; what matters to them is not what others think, but what God knows; are willing to die to their own reputations. |
Find it difficult to share their spiritual needs with others. |
Are willing to be open and transparent with others as God directs. |
Want to be sure that no one finds out when they have sinned; their instinct is to cover up. |
Once broken, don't care who knows or who finds out; are willing to be exposed because they have nothing to lose. |
Have a hard time saying, "I was wrong; will you please forgive me?" |
Are quick to admit failure and to seek forgiveness when necessary. |
Tend to deal in generalities when confessing sin. |
Are able to acknowledge specifics when confessing their sin. |
Are concerned just about the consequences of their sin. |
Are grieved over the root of their sin. |
Are remorseful over their sin, sorry that they were found out or caught. |
Are truly, genuinely repentant over their sin, evidenced in the fact that they forsake that sin. |
Wait for the other to come and ask forgiveness when there is a misunderstanding or conflict in a relationship. |
Take the initiative to be reconciled when there is misunderstanding or conflict in relationships; they race to the cross; they see if they can get there first, no matter how wrong the other may have been. |
Compare themselves with others and feel worthy of honor. |
Compare themselves to the holiness of God and feel a desperate need for His mercy. |
Are blind to their true heart condition. |
Walk in the light. |
Don't think they have anything to repent of. |
Realize they have need of a continual heart attitude of repentance. |
Don't think they need revival, but are sure that everyone else does. |
Continually sense their need for a fresh encounter with God and for a fresh filling of His Holy Spirit. |